Everything that you need to know about Tiktok Beta Program
In tiktok beta you can experience latest updates before anyone else can see or use

Basically tiktok is a one of the most popular social media platform which is constantly working to bring new updates and features, if you want early access in new features before officially released then you can join tiktok beta program in your Google Play store app,
What is Tiktok Beta?
Tiktok beta is a one of the good way of using tiktok new features before it will be availed for public, basically they are allowing selected users only to try those upcoming updates and then give their feedback for more improving their platform, in beta program you can use experimental tools and interface and performance quickly.
How does tiktok beta work?
Tiktok Beta is a part of tiktok testing program where users can experience new features before they will be officially launder, when you join beta program then your simple tiktok app will be replaced with tiktok beta version so you can test latest updates which is still being developed sometimes they may have bugs and performance issues also.
If you are a android user then you can join beta tester in google Play store but if you are a iOS user then you can join it by TestFlight.
After joining beta your tiktok app will be update to beta version and when new test will be released it will be available to you
Benefits of joining Tiktok Beta
You will have early access to new features of tiktok tools, filters and effects before they will be officially released.
Your feedbacks will help tiktok to improve their app and fix bugs, enhance performance and improve user experience
Beta version is not available for everyone if you join it then you will have experience of unique features before others
If many people’s of beta users will report any issue or suggest any changes then tiktok can adjust that feature before it will be released public.
Downsides of tiktok beta
While experiencing new features before others and having more benefits it have some downbacks also sometimes which is explained below
Sometimes there can be some bugs or glitches because of under development and it can crash or having issues in performance also
Sometimes your some features will not work properly and it can affect your tiktok app performance
You will have tiktok beta updates more quickly because sometimes tiktok app is updating multiple times in short period.
In some cases bugs are coming in beta version and that can be cause issues to upload videos, drafts or other issues in account settings
Basically tiktok beta program is limited so sometimes beta program can full so new users cannot join it
How to join Tiktok Beta Program?
If you are interested to join beta and try to use tiktok beta versions then kindly follow these steps given below

- If you have android phone then simply open your Google Play store app and then search tiktok
- Then click on Tiktok and scroll down to find “Join the Beta” and simply click on “Join” option and then wait for few seconds
- After few minutes waiting you will be joined as beta tester now you can update your tiktok app for getting beta version
- if you have iPhone then simply download TestFlight app from your App store
- Then simply open tiktok beta invitation link it it’s available there
- Just click on “Accept” and then install beta version in your phone
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How to leave tiktok beta?
If you want to leave beta and switch back to normal version then follow steps given below
If you are a android user then simply Goto your Google Play store and then find tiktok after that tap on “Leave the beta” option and then reinstall your tiktok app
But if you are a iPhone user then you can open TestFlight app and then find tiktok there and then tap on “Stop Testing” to return to normal version of tiktok
Should you join tiktok beta?
If you want to join Tiktok beta then it’s a great choice for you if you want to enjoy and testing new features but if you want a smooth and stable tiktok experience then you must stay on regular version of tiktok.
In tiktok beta you can experience latest updates before anyone else can see or use but sometimes there’s some issues also in tiktok beta performance because of its under development process if you are comfortable with those bugs then you can join tiktok beta which will be more fun and rewarding experience for you